C++ Dependency Injection
Wallaroo 0.8 release notes
- Wal file format
- Add Catalog::Remove, Catalog::Clear, Catalog::Size
- Custom name for class registration
- Choice between shared and weak ptr for Collaborator
Wallaroo 0.7 release notes
- Changed Syntax: Device -> Part, Plug -> Collaborator (close issue #1 )
- Bug fix: shared lib from multiple sources (close issue #7 )
- Template and namespace classes registration (close issue #8 )
Wallaroo 0.6 release notes
- Attributes feature
- Bug fix: UNICODE on win32 (close issue #5 )
- Catalog::Create returns the new object
Wallaroo 0.5.1 release notes
- Bug fix: protection error when unloading dll with visual studio 2012
- Add win nmake makefile for samples and test
Wallaroo 0.5 release notes
- BOOST software license
- Shared lib specified in configuration files
- New parameter types in configuration files
Wallaroo 0.4 release notes
- Add shared library support
- Fix gcc 4.7 compatibility issue
- Add directory "detail"
- Remove deprecated syntax
Wallaroo 0.3.1 release notes
- Bug fix: wallaroo::mandatory now compiles with gcc v. 4.6
Wallaroo 0.3 release notes
- Add JSON parser
- Remove the macro for the class declaration
- Check of the associations cardinality / optional associations
- Speed optimization
- Get rid of VC warning C4355
- Remove deprecated syntax
- New samples
Wallaroo 0.2 release notes
- Support for C++11
- New syntax for wiring: use().as().of()
- New syntax for collections: Plug< T, collection, C = std::list >
- Added custom exceptions
- Doxygen documentation
- Unit test added